September 17, 2009

Modern Fliegeruhr - Aviator Update


Just in case you're wondering development status of our Aviator, here is the brief update. We're currently busy machining the cases and parts for the watch. Manufacturing a quality timepiece takes a lot of processes and therefore it takes quite some time. Although
our target release date is end of November or latest before Xmas, there are times when we simply have to fine-tune parts to ensure quality. Unforeseen delays that occur in the production of fine timepieces are common. Nonetheless, we will keep you informed of production / delivery status. When all is ready, we will make the announcement with pictures.

Kind regards,
Praesto Watch Team

September 08, 2009

How do you deal with packaging box/case?

Your kind and honest comment is requested for the following questions:

Q1: Would you rather spend your hard-earned money on better quality of the watch itself (or its design), or on a fancy packaging box/case that ships with the watch?

Q2: What do you usually do with the box/case after opening it? Throw it away, leave it to collect dust somewhere, or keep it safe for possible re-use?

Q3: Do you travel with your packaging case? In what occasions?

We hit on!

Thanks for your support!